The Group:

Valerie Lovrek, Sophia Mallmann, Matthias Lohner, Sissi Reutter, Philipp Mallmann, Franz Mayer-Heinisch, Concho Leeb


Steps: 43,133
Kilometers today: 33.57
Kilometers in total: 334.99
Elevation: 324 meters 
Time: 8 hours and 57 minutes


We had a late start because vehicle logistics proved to be more complicated than usual today. Unfortunately Albi M.I.A due to pain, fever and other girly problems. For the first time on this hike we forgot the flag in the car this morning, but luckily we had Matthias the (M)athlete in our team who went to fetch it. In contrary to all the other days, the morning was extremely tough. After five hours of walking we had a wonderful lunch at the Thun's, who live almost exactly along our route. The break lifted our spirits and the afternoon went by much quicker and easier, especially after meeting up with St. Veith's most prestigeous motocross gang: black mamba. The car was parked next to a yellow house, so as energy reserves were deminishing euphoria arose whenever yellow houses appeared. On one occasion the whole group sprinted for 300 meters believing the car was just there, only to find out it was just another yellow house. Due to the lengthy lunch break, arrival only at 17:14.

Back at Berlin's we were welcomed by warm bathtubs, a magnificent barbecue and the incredible Heinrich Lohner who has come back for one more day. He just can't get enough. 

Gossip Blog: Just to clarify, Valerie and Sophia didn't really have an argument and didn't actually make out. Just a little bit. Maybe. No other gossip today. xoxo


Laurel James
15/8/2012 06:39:55 am

Oh...I am so relieved!!!! Glad all are made up and chums again.

May the Grace of God be with you always, in your heart.
May you know the truth inside you from the start.
May you find the strength to know that you are a part of something beautiful...
Yes, I thought, that I saw, a light Shine; I think I see a light shine, now....

Is it a light or a yellow house?!?

Shine on you super stars! Just lovin this! Love comin' along with y'all on the blog too....thanks for the ride! Stift Rein here we come! Laurel

Mi Lo
15/8/2012 04:29:53 pm

Großartig, Ihr seid Helden!! Verfolge jeden Tag gespannt Euren Block. Die Schmerzen vergehen, alle anderen positiven Eindrücke werden Euch immer bleiben.
Keep on going...

Anna-Maria Achammer
16/8/2012 12:36:25 am

Wirklich- ihr Helden!!! Weiter so! Bussis

Laurel James
16/8/2012 01:12:51 am

How's it goin'? Are we lost?

paulo wappler
16/8/2012 03:16:26 am

ihr seids echt ziemlichn harte hunde,und ich bewundere euch hundere...


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