
The total distance covered from Terlan to Stift Rein was exactly 456,10 kilometers. If we add up the distances covered by the individual walkers each day, we reach a total amount of 4,191.88 kilometers. That is more than walking from Graz to Moscow and BACK AGAIN!


The total amount of steps it took to get from Terlan to Stift Rein was 593,023.  If we add up the steps taken by the individual walkers each day, we reach a total amount of 5,445,267 steps. That is how many steps an average american takes in 1,089 days or 3 years!


The total amount of elevation that was covered over the full distance was 8,050 meters. That is 798 meters below the peak of Mount Everest. If we add up all the elevation meters covered by the individual walkers each day, we reach a total amount of 82,018 meters. That takes us to the beginning of the Thermosphere, the outermost layer of our atmosphere!


The actual time spent walking from Terlan to Stift Rein was 117 hours. If the time spent hiking by each of the individual walkers every day is added up, we get a result of 1,065 hours! That is as long as 44 days of continuous walking or 710 football matches!


By dividing the distance by our time, we get an average speed of 4,8 km/h. That is 10.85% of Usain Bolt's top speed. Bam. 


Over the course of the entire hike Concho burned 80,275 calories! That is as much as 268 McDonald's cheeseburgers, so he would have had to eat 19 cheeseburgers everyday to eat more than he burnt. If we take Concho's value as an average, the group together burned 728,209 calories or 2,427 McDonald's cheeseburgers!

Food and Drink:

During hiking the group consumed well over 500 power bars and about 280 sandwiches! Not quite 2,427 cheeseburgers, but plenty of food anyway. To drink we had 635 liters of water.
20/8/2012 05:39:55 pm

Wir waren jeden Tag mit all unseren Gedanken und Gebeten bei Euch und haben den Blog voll Spannung verfolgt. Oft kam bei uns der Wunsch auf, bei dieser tollen Aktion mit dabeizusein. Wenn man die oben angeführten Vergleichzahlen liest, kommt einem noch viel mehr zu Bewußtsein, was Ihr alle zusammen geschafft habt. Gott sei Dank habt Ihr nicht täglich 19 cheeseburger gegessen, sonst wäre die M.I.A Rate sicher viel höher gewesen. Wir gratulieren Euch allen zu dieser unglaublichen Leistung, Eurer Freundschaft und Disziplin, die all das möglich gemacht hat.

20/8/2012 07:09:07 pm

Es war...

...ein Lichtblick, eine Teamsache, eine Herzensangelegenheit, eine Kopf- und Willenssache, ein wahnsinniger Zusammenhalt, eine Beschäftigung mit sich selbst, ein gemeinsamer Kampf gegen die Schmerzen, ein Traum, eine Mischung aus tiefgründigen Gesprächen und absolutem Blödsinn, ein Insichgehen, ein gemeinsames Ziel, eine körperliche Überanstrengung, eine Zusammenspiel von einzigartigen Momenten, eine ganz eigene Atmosphäre, ein gegenseitiges Kraft-Geben und eine Verbundenheit unter Freunden, ein Zurücklassen von Sorgen und Problemen, ein langer gemeinsamer Weg, ein unbeschreibliches Erlebnis, eine blasige und schwitzige Angelegenheit, eine geniale Zeit....

....und eine gemeinsame Erfahrung, die wir nie im Leben vergessen werden.

21/8/2012 07:48:22 am

was ich euch noch sagen wollte......
.......Ihr könnt weinen und verzweifeln,
leer sein und euch abwenden
oder tun, was ich mir von euch wünsche:
lächeln, Liebe schenken, und – weitermachen............

Danke dass Ihr auf so wunderbare Weise Clemi seinem Wunsch nachgekommen seid !

Laurel James
21/8/2012 08:06:06 pm


Laurel James
28/8/2012 11:32:45 pm

Well, now that I have finally recovered from the shock, horror, and awe of completing that mega-marathon hike across the European Continent including all those death defying shortcuts--- through bramble patches, fields of angry cattle, oblivion, and beyond (WHO had the map??!!!) --- I am inspired, once again, to BLOG!!! In my last blog I was rendered speechless by the amazement of reaching our final goal alive, and relatively unharmed, although somewhat shell-shocked,, but I have yet again found my "voice". WE ARE HEROS!!!!! Well... you are heros... but I did blog along as well! It was a long, long way to blog!!! Those shortcuts almost killed me!!!! ..... But seriously, that walk was a powerful example of moving on one step at a time and incrementally making your goal a reality. The children whose lives will be brightened and enriched by the Clemi Foundation sponsored holidays will never know how much dedication and endurance was spent on their behalf; but they will feel the peace, joy, and healing that only time away in Nature can provide.You did that for them. I am proud of you, and proud of my daughter, Audrey, for being interested in something other than yourselves, reaching out, making an effort to contribute to a better world for us all as a whole. How lucky the world is to have you in it. And how lucky we are to be in the world. We must all be grateful for that every day. Especially when being in the world allows me to witness humanity at it's most shining moments, like when you completed that hike. The splendor was not all in reaching the final goal, but in the friendship, mutual support, cooperation, and renewal that the process created amongst you all. The journey was the crowning glory!!!! And by giving so much, I know you got as much back. That is the magic!!!! Thank you for taking me along on that magic carpet ride!!!! Blogging took on a new spiritual level for me!!!!... KISSES + HUGS FOREVER, Laurel

a mother
31/8/2012 06:41:29 am

tolles habt ihr geleistet, Concho du und deine vielen freunde, die dich begleitet haben.......stolz sind wir auf euch alle wie ihr für clemi und seine stiftung alle zusammen hält, clemi ist und bleibt ein wichtiger bestandteil eures lebens, und ihr tut das was auf seinem bildchen steht.....lächeln, lieben und weiter machen.........


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